You CAN have a positive influence on the drug and alcohol use – without endless arguments and walking on eggshells.

You CAN take steps to support both you and your loved one.

You just gotta know what you’re up against.

There are reasons you’re at a loss for what to do about your loved one’s drug or alcohol use.

And none of them are you.

Learn more with my free video series:

5 Reasons You’re at a Loss for What to Do About a Loved One’s Drug or Alcohol Use – And What to Do About Them

Madeleine gave me a path to follow and took the blame off my shoulders which is giving me more head space to process and work towards a solution.



Here’s What You’ll Learn:

  • Why some advice doesn’t seem to fit, and why you and other family members can’t seem to agree on an approach to the problem.
  • The secrets behind why your loved one’s experience with the treatment industry was so mind-boggling.
  • The best strategies for navigating these challenges and supporting yourself and your loved one.

You know your loved one’s drug or alcohol use is…

A Complete Nightmare

An Emotional Rollercoaster

Totally Out of Control

But WHAT do you DO?!?!?

I mean, you would move mountains to help your loved one stop misusing drugs and alcohol if you could.

But they’re not interested.

Everything feels like a constant battle.

And you never know what what might trigger them into another onslaught of verbal abuse or to go off and use again.

So you’re never really sure what’s the right thing to do.

If you’re ready to turn this dynamic around, sign up for my free video series below.

Hello, Madeleine here!

Your Family Addiction Coach

So many families know they can’t keep living on the nightmare rollercoaster of their loved one’s use, but they’re at a complete loss trying to figure out what to do.

But the reality is, there is no one right way to address a loved one’s drug or alcohol use.

As a family addiction coach with 10 years of experience working with families, I help family members discern choices and next steps that are aligned with their own needs and situation, so they can finally feel hopeful and confident about their approach to supporting both their loved one and themselves.

Madeleine is so calm and peaceful. She put me at ease right away.


Family Member

8 Random Facts About Madeleine

Click the pink dots below or the pink arrows on the side to navigate through the random facts.

I was born into family addiction

This is a problem that goes back for generations in my family. My great grandfather died of cirrhosis of the liver. If I drew a family tree and added labels to every family member for either an addiction, or some other mental disorder, or just plain toxic and abusive behavior, almost no one would be untouched. I thought somehow I could marry myself out of it, but – surprise, surprise – that didn’t work. Now that I’ve worked for decades on my own healing and done so much research and work on addiction and family addiction, it pisses me off how we could actually know so much about what works, and yet still be doing so little of it.

Obsessed with all things French and have the degrees to match

I have a B.A., M.A. and am ABD in French Studies, and taught college French for over 20 years. While I was still teaching, I spoke French so well, most people couldn’t tell I wasn’t French. From my very first encounter with the language in sixth grade, I was just obsessed with all things French. I even wrote a story about the motivation behind that obsession (hint: it’s family addiction) which you can read here. I won’t say they were useless degrees, because I will always be a Francophile, and those degrees are where I seriously honed my research and analysis chops. 

Professionally trained life coach since 2013

It was one of the most eye opening experiences I’d ever had. Learning the tools we could use to help people get clear about their lives, their goals, their roadblocks, and their problems , and identify next steps based on that new level of clarity – and understanding why the tools of the coaching trade worked for that – just felt like nirvana to me. I’ve worked as a corporate learning & development professional as I build my work in family addiction, but I use these life coaching tools in almost everything I do.

Me, John Stamos, and Bill Clinton share a birthday

John Stamos was my childhood heart throb from when he was on General Hospital. When I turned 27, my grandmother actually forgot my birthday because she was too busy attending Warren Buffet’s fundraiser for Clinton’s 50th. She felt horrible when she remembered, and I totally forgave her because, I mean, how often does one get an invite from Warren Buffet?

Had my own “Babette’s Feast”

I have some mad cooking skills. In fact, for my 50th birthday, I prepared a 10-course formal French dinner for 12 people, complete with Ratatouille, Boeuf Bourgignon, Vichysoise, Mousse au Saumon, Crème Brulée and loads of awesome cheese. It took almost 3 days of prep but the evening was pretty epic. If you know the movie, it was my own “Babette’s Feast”.

Can’t sing for the life of me

And it kills me sometimes. I soooo wish I could. The thought of being able to totally belt out a tune just feels so beautiful and empowering and uplifting to me. So I love watching other people do it – especially in musicals. #lesmisérablesisthebestmusicalever

If you’re into personality types, I’m an INFP and an Enneagram 4 with a 3 wing

This means I’m an emotional deep-sea diver with the ability to hold space for all the feels, no matter how heavy or real it gets. But I’m also ambitious. My big hairy goal is to put family recovery on the map and ensure that everyone in the recovery industry understands that we will never successfully address the addiction crisis unless and until whole family healing becomes an essential part of the solution.

And since you just learned my big hairy goal, perhaps I can not-so-humbly say, I’m REALLY good at what I do

In fact, when I was the manager of family recovery in a local recovery center, the first night on the job, I was sitting at a table with some family members who were just starting the family program. The father asked me how long I had been working there. I was honest and told him it was my first day. He got this look of horror on his face like, “Ohhhhh shit. We got the newbie…” That same father humbly approached me on the last day of the family program and said, “You’re really good at this.” Yes. Yes, I am. There’s a reason they hired me.


I Want a World Where…

Black and white photo of Madeleine Craig, Family Addiction Coach

Families have the knowledge and support needed to effectively and compassionately respond to a loved one’s drug or alcohol use.

A loved one’s drug or alcohol use isn’t so traumatizing to familes because family members know how to respond, how to take care of themselves, and how to support their loved one.

Supporting families and whole family healing is an essential part of of resolving the addiction crisis.

And I believe we will never successfully resolve the addiction crisis untilSupporting families and whole family healing becomes an essential part of the solution.

MY Services

How I help families navigate the minefield of a loved one’s drug or alcohol use to design their own customized response

Individual Life Coaching

Looking for 100% laser focus on your unique situation? Don’t want to take the time to learn the concepts and then work on applying them to your situation – because you needed this support ages ago?

Get fast, individualized support to shift the dynamic with your loved one and other family members so you can start having a positive influence on the substance use now. Click this tile to learn more.

The 5 Ways to Have a Positive Influence On Your Loved One's Substance Use Program

Tired of being told you just need to detach and let go? Feel like you just can’t take it anymore, but are at a complete loss for what to do?

While it’s true that you can’t control your loved one’s use, your loved one does not exist in a vacuum. You do have influence. In fact, you’re influencing the problem no matter what you do. This 6-week online program is designed to teach families evidence-based strategies shown to improve substance use outcomes, so you can use your influence to move the needle in the right direction. Click this tile to learn more.

The Family Addiction Support Community

Still trying to handle your loved one’s drug or alcohol use in isolation? Have no one you can openly share with, but can’t jive with a 12-Step meeting?

Join my structured and moderated online support community for families, featuring monthly trainings, live Q&A office hours, customized coaching prompts, and more. Click this tile to learn more.

Madeleine is just amazing with family members. She is loving, kind and willing to be raw and vulnerable in her work. She clearly gets it. And she has this magical ability to shift seamlessly from knowledgeable facilitator to compassionate friend who is walking the same journey in the trenches of this horrible disease. I wish that I, and my family, had met her when I was still drinking.

Mike Holliday

Certified Life Recovery Coach


Learn More About Why I Do What I Do

Nervous woman in group treatment picking at her nails.

One Important Reason Why Treatment So Often Fails

Upwards of 50% of people with substance use problems also have another co-occurring mental disorder, whether that be depression, bipolar disorder, ADHD or some other mental disorder. While the presence of a co-occurring mental disorder, or what is sometimes referred to as dual diagnosis, presents unique challenges, if both the mental disorder and the substance abuse are not addressed together, the chances of recovery reduce drastically. And, the chance of the addiction becoming fatal increases significantly as well. Many treatment programs fail to adequately address this reality.

Man in a hoodie sitting on a park bench with needles and drugs next to him.

There Are Many Addiction Myths. But Even the Antidotes Sometimes Get It Wrong

Our culture is entrenched in addiction myths that can tragically misguide families. But even the antidotes to these myths can get it wrong. Families need accurate knowledge and practical tools to navigate their loved ones' substance use, which is complicated by the conflicting realities of addiction, often referred to as addiction's double bind: it's a disease, yet it inflicts severe harm on those around it. My mission is to help families find their way through this messy middle, acknowledging the complexities and moral implications of addiction behavior, while still maintaining compassionate boundaries for self-care.

Adult male receiving counseling

The Treatment Industry Largely Ignores Families

Given that family members are one of the primary for treatment centers, I believe if the treatment system is going to change, it's going to be because family members demand it. I do what I do because I want to empower families to make those changes.

Recovering man and woman hugging while another recovering person looks on.

“You Can’t Control It” Is Only a Partial Truth

I talk a lot about cultural myths that circulate about addiction and family addiction. While the slogan “You can’t control it” is not a myth, it’s also not a complete truth. Families do have influence on the problem. They’re influencing the problem no matter what they do.

Social Media
One of the symptoms of addiction in families is the amount of pain family members are willing to endure and say nothing. What kind of pain are you enduring in your relationship with a loved one using substances? If you're enduring pain, please know that words will rarely have an effect, and are sometimes pointless. Boundaries will have a far greater impact. But boundaries almost always require the family member to have a support system in place. Trying to set boundaries without understanding and compassionate people behind you can be too hard often. So how can you seek a support system of understanding and compassionate people? It's the most important act of self-care you'll ever undertake.


There are reasons you're at a loss for what to do about a loved one's drug or alcohol abuse. And none of them are you. Check out my free video series: "The 5 Reasons You're at a Loss for What to Do About Your Loved One's Drug or Alcohol Abuse - And What to About Them. Link in bio.

#reclaimyourlifefromthechaos #familyaddiction #familyaddictionsupport #familyaddictionrecovery #addictionawareness #addictionrecovery #addictionsucks #addictionhelp #addictionisreal #addictionfree #addictionkills #addictiontreatment #addictions #addictionisadisease #drugaddiction #addictionsupport #codependency #codependencyrecovery #alcoholismrecovery #alcoholism #whyidowhatido #familyaddictionwhyidowhatido
There are so many myths and cultural misunderstandings out there about addiction and substance use.


There are reasons you're at a loss for what to do about a loved one's drug or alcohol abuse. And none of them are you. Check out my free video series: "The 5 Reasons You're at a Loss for What to Do About Your Loved One's Drug or Alcohol Abuse - And What to About Them. Link in bio.

#reclaimyourlifefromthechaos #familyaddiction #familyaddictionsupport #familyaddictionrecovery #addictionawareness #addictionrecovery #addictionsucks #addictionhelp #addictionisreal #addictionfree #addictionkills #addictiontreatment #addictions #addictionisadisease #drugaddiction #addictionsupport #codependency #codependencyrecovery #alcoholismrecovery #alcoholism #whyidowhatido #familyaddictionwhyidowhatido
Do you have questions about your loved one's substance use?

The Family Addiction bi-weekly newsletter contains:

*An answer to a common question families have about what to do in the face of a loved one’s substance use, some of which I only share in email.

*Reviews of what I’m reading about addiction and families so you can further educate yourself if you’re inspired.

*… and, from time to time, I’ll share about my workshops and intensive programs or remind you that I am a totally hirable and transformative family addiction coach.

Link to subscribe in bio


I offer an online workshop: "5 Ways Families Can Positively Influence a Loved One's Substance Use." Link in bio. #reclaimyourlifefromthechaos #familyaddiction #familyaddictionsupport #familyaddictionrecovery #addictionawareness #addictionrecovery #addictionsucks #addictionhelp #addictionisreal #addictionfree #addictionkills #addictiontreatment #addictions #addictionisadisease #drugaddiction #addictionsupport #codependency #codependencyrecovery #alcoholismrecovery #alcoholism #whyidowhatido #familyaddictionwhyidowhatido
You have questions. I have answers.

The Family Addiction bi-weekly newsletter contains:

An answer to a common question families have about what to do in the face of a loved one’s substance use, some of which I only share in email.

Reviews of what I’m reading about addiction and families so you can further educate yourself if you’re inspired.

… and, from time to time, I’ll share about my workshops and intensive programs or remind you that I am a totally hirable and transformative family addiction coach.

Link to subscribe in bio


I educate and coach families struggling with a loved one's substance use so they can have the support and clarity they need to kindly and effectively navigate the impacts of their loved one's substance use. #reclaimyourlifefromthechaos #familyaddiction #familyaddictionsupport #familyaddictionrecovery #addictionawareness #addictionrecovery #addictionsucks #addictionhelp #addictionisreal #addictionfree #addictionkills #addictiontreatment #addictions #addictionisadisease #drugaddiction #addictionsupport #codependency #codependencyrecovery #alcoholismrecovery #alcoholism #whyidowhatido #familyaddictionwhyidowhatido

Compassionate and knowledgeable, Madeleine has walked the walk and brings both professional and personal experiences to working with families.



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